March 13, 2006
Dudes in suits, ratings games, scheduling dances — all of the real drama happens...
Behind the Screens
The Times They Are A'Changin'...and A'Changin' Again
by Michael Adams
There was a time when
TV Guide could be held up as a sacrosanct commodity
for a TV lover. Its listings were almost unwaveringly reliable — clear,
concise, and accurate. The magazine used to be able to alert its readers to
upcoming schedule changes by inserting bracketed comments within an episode
description: "Last show of the series" or "Next week, this series moves to (blank)day
at (blank)time" or "The series is going on hiatus." Nowadays, networks make
adjustments to their schedules with such reckless abandon that there is simply
no time to put these kinds of warnings in a magazine anymore. True TV zealots
are more likely than most to keep up on last-minute changes and time period
shifts, but more often than not, the average viewer is caught unawares when
a network makes a schedule change one or two days before a show goes on the
air, well past press time for most print publications. What makes this process
even more infuriating is the apparent glee with which the networks make these
changes, like the Wicked Witch of the West (the networks) looking out her window,
cackling as her flying monkeys (us) kowtow to her every whim.
This year, ABC takes the cake for perhaps the most confusing midseason schedule
ever assembled. The Alphabet promoted Emily's Reasons Why Not and the
return of Jake in Progress incessantly, only to pull the pair after one
low-rated Monday showing. They returned Commander in Chief to the schedule
after a six-week hiatus, then sent the show packing again two weeks later. What
was put in Commander's suddenly vacant time slot? "Bonus episodes" of
According to Jim and George Lopez. But only until the first week
of March, when Sons & Daughters took over to keep the time period warm
for Commander's April return, when it will ostensibly get to finish out
its abbreviated season. ABC is employing a similarly puzzling strategy on Monday,
airing four episodes of new feel-good reality hour Miracle Workers before
question-mark-free drama What About Brian, whose debut has already been
pushed back two weeks from its originally announced start date, subs in. All
this is on top of yanking Hope & Faith for a bloated Dancing with
the Stars results show, and twice scheduling episodes of Crumbs that
were ultimately preempted for Grey's Anatomy encores. Completely baffled
yet? Believe it or not, that's not even the whole of ABC's schedule changes;
there are many more to come between now and the end of the season in May.
If a sports broadcast has the rare luxury of being
put together in advance, shouldn't it be capable of ending on time? |
If ABC is television's worst scheduling offender,
NBC stands proudly
as the runner-up. Most weeks, it feels as though the
executives decide what they'll air by throwing darts
at a board while
blindfolded. Voilą, instant schedule and a fun game
at the same time!
Nary a week goes by when NBC doesn't make some kind
of change to
their schedule, whether it be pulling a low-rated new
series in favor
of a repeat of the ubiquitous
Law & Order,
swapping a new
episode for a rerun of the same show, or switching
time slots with
little advance notice. Even the tape-delayed Olympic
Winter Games
were not immune to these types of adjustments, with
weather delays
causing the network to add hours to its coverage and
the primetime
broadcast running a few minutes long on more than one
occasion. If a
sports broadcast has the rare luxury of being put
together in advance,
shouldn't it be capable of ending on time? It's just
another example
of networks taking advantage of their audience.
With changes being made every day across six
networks, are viewers really expected to be able to
make heads or
tails of any of this nonsense? Episode changes, time
period shifts,
new shows premiering on a weekly basis — what exactly
are viewers
supposed to do with all of this information?
Television is an
industry predicated on viewer loyalty, but it's almost
impossible for
a viewer to be loyal in a climate that constantly
preempts or shuffles
favorite shows (I could do with a lot less
Idol and a
lot more
House, thank you very much) and
doesn't allow new
shows to gain a foothold before being yanked
unceremoniously. One
look at Fox's scheduling of
The Bernie Mac Show
over the years
and it would appear that the network actually wants
the show to die,
bumping it around on five different nights over the
same number of
seasons; NBC has gone to similar lengths to kill off
ABC finally got better-than average numbers from
Alias last
year, then signed its death warrant by shipping it off
to Thursday for
the first half of this season; and NBC has made
West Wing,
which for years was one of its biggest hits, suffer
through its final
year in an ignominious Sunday slot. It's hard to be
loyal when you
can't even figure out where a show has been placed on
the schedule.
Networks will sometimes split up a block of hit shows in order to increase
viewership on another night (just a few months ago, I suggested that ABC use
this technique and move Grey's Anatomy to Thursday opposite CSI).
This is an excusable and logical schedule adjustment. After all, a network can't
be blamed for wanting to be competitive and successful in as many time slots
as possible. But there comes a time when an attempt to have too big a piece
of the pie is more detrimental — and off-putting — than accepting
the fact that a smaller piece can be just as good. Look at CBS: most of their
biggest shows have been in the same time slot for several seasons. CBS knows
where its successes lie and, while they don't exactly play dead in time slots
they know they won't win, they certainly don't put a strain on the rest of their
schedule (and, in turn, viewers) by constantly moving shows around to see what
might work better elsewhere. Given this, it doesn't really come as a surprise
that CBS is poised to win its fourth season in a row. (It should be noted that
CBS has given early renewals to 14 series, including most of its crime dramas,
How I Met Your Mother, and Two and a Half Men, indicating that
there is more consistency to come next season.)
Any increase in viewership when these changes are
made sends the networks the message that it is all right for them to treat
their audience with such tenuous regard and continues the descent down
an incredibly slippery slope. |
While CBS's stability is both appreciated and
the sad truth is that last-minute changes generally do
not have a
negative impact on a network's ratings. Fox can pull
an episode of
Arrested Development and get higher numbers
from an installment
Nanny 911 that was put in its place with
little or no time
for promotion; NBC got similar results when it
The Book of
Daniel with whatever episode of the
Law &
Order franchise
they pulled out of a hat that day. Any increase in
viewership when
these changes are made sends the networks the message
that it is all
right for them to treat their audience with such
tenuous regard and
continues the descent down an incredibly slippery
slope. And
last-minute changes aren't the only problem plaguing
viewers these
days. How about those odd start and end times that
are becoming more
and more common? Viewers shouldn't be forced to miss
any part of a
program just so more commercial time can be added to a
show. And I would wait patiently through longer
stretches of repeats
of a show like
Lost if I could get more than
three first-run
episodes at a time. The increasingly cutthroat nature
of the business
is making these types of maneuvers almost unavoidable.
As frustrating
as they can be for viewers, these tactics make small
strides in adding
to a network's bottom line, where every tenth of a
ratings point
converts to dollars and cents.
A recent AP study shows that 77% of the country has
digital cable or satellite service, meaning that these
viewers have
access to updated listings grids through their TVs.
But over 20% of
the country still relies on analog signals for their
TV reception.
This 20% translates to approximately 22 million
households, a sizable
amount of the population that does not have access to
the latest
listings information at their fingertips, and a large
enough number to
have a noticeable impact on the ratings. This fact
seems to have
eluded the networks' programming execs as of late.
Print publications
are almost guaranteed to be outdated by the time they
hit newsstands,
but changes are being made with such swift frequency
these days that
even satellite and Internet listings cannot always be
accurate. (I've seen instances of a press release
going out the day
after a show aired, as if this information were
somehow still
useful.) So what can a viewer do? Unfortunately,
when it comes to
network scheduling, absolutely nothing. Think of the
between the network and the viewer as analogous to
that between an
awards show director and the award winner. The
network has taken the
time to deliver a prize directly to the viewer's
living room. When
the viewer attempts to thank the network by offering
up his viewing
loyalty, the band starts to play and his attention is
quickly diverted
elsewhere. In other words, it's the networks' way of
telling you to
quiet down and take your seat; they know what's best
for you.
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