Liz Shannon Miller's parents kept saying she'd
ruin her eyes if she sat so close to the TV. Fortunately, she looks cute
in glasses. Beyond SMRT-TV, Liz works as a writer of various different
media, contributing to websites including Bookslut
and Ostrich Ink. In her spare
time, she enjoys blogging,
knitting, reading, and medium-distance running. She does not get a lot
of sleep. Send coffee to liz@smrt-tv.com.
TV Guide has served as Michael Adams's
Bible subsitute since he was a child. Michael recently received a bachelor's
degree in English, but his ideal job would have him sitting in front of
a TV from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to bed. He is currently
undergoing treatment for a major obsession with all things related to
David E. Kelley. Email him at adams@smrt-tv.com. |
Tara Avery is a very interesting person. We don't have a bio for her yet, though, so you'll just have to take our word for it. Email
her at tara@smrt-tv.com. |
The only survivor of a deadly plane crash, Joel
Bergen was raised by television and now lives in L.A. (Little Armenia)
with his lovely TiVo and their seven remote controls. For laughs (and
filthy lucre), he pisses off anime fans by butchering their favorite shows.
When not wallowing in self-loathing and dirty laundry, he thinks about
writing and occasionally posts his inner most thoughts at The
Pop Culture Petri Dish. Email him at joel@smrt-tv.com. |
Alan J. Bloom (a.k.a. Captain Ca$h Milliondollars)
is presently a writer for reality television. Having graduated from the
University of Arizona in 2001 with BAs in Media Arts and Creative Writing,
the South African ex-patriot moved to Los Angeles seeking glamour and
fortune, bringing with him a wealth of sports knowledge. Email him at
alan@smrt-tv.com. |
Mike Celestino is an amateur comedy writer
and DVD-phile bouncing back and forth between New York City and Los Angeles
on a regular basis. You can contact him at mike@smrt-tv.com
or by saying the secret word three times fast. |
Paul Cibis hopes to be a real live writer someday.
Until that ship comes sailing in in he watches a lot of television and
plays the occasional video game. He keeps a blog here
and can be reached for comment or lunch at paul@smrt-tv.com. |
Consuela Clabby works in San Francisco in a
business that has nothing to do with television. She owns a house, a dog,
and too many books. When she's not working, she spends her time rock-climbing,
reading, writing, and catching up on television shows she missed the first
time around. You can reach her at consuela@smrt-tv.com. |
Whitney Cox is, of all things, a second-year
divinity student who just happens to have a thing for gender and sexuality
studies, really good television, and the places where the two intersect.
Her more frequent writings on everything from God to politics to video
games can be found at ladysisyphus.livejournal.com.
Send your own queer readings to whitney@smrt-tv.com.
Andreanna Ditton is a freelance writer and
editor living in Los Angeles. We won't mention the other jobs she holds
down to pay the bills. She maintains a steady relationship with her roommate,
her cats and the life size television in the living room named HAL, which
is big enough to talk to but smart enough not to talk back. She's also
trying to write a sellable space opera so that the inhabitants of the
house, including HAL, can someday live in a house that doesn't leak. Email
her at andreanna@smrt-tv.com |
When they aren't being fired out of a cannon, The
Ashes of Raoul Duke are out covering the death of the New American
Dream for Rolling Stone. The Ashes of Raoul Duke know that the
only way to get the real story is to become the story, and in the past,
they've spent two years undercover with an Oompa Loompa gang in Bethnal
Green and several months on the child beauty pageant circuit, culminating
in a second place finish at The Gingerbread Pageant in Dallas. Reach him
in the afterlife at raoulsashes@smrt-tv.com. |
Elana Frink's day job as a publicist requires her to be sort of jaded,
so she pretends to have never heard of Stargate Atlantis and then
watches it when no one's around. If you work for Adult Swim, feel free
to enquire about her idea for a show about genetically modified
crime-fighting dogs with thumbs at: elana@smrt-tv.com. |
So the legend goes that every time FOX cancels yet
another great show, the woebegone howls of Luke Geddes can be heard
in the eastern winds. When he's not watching TV, he's thinking about what
he's missing. There's a pitiful rumor going around that he has seen every
episode of Lizzie McGuire at least twice. He currently resides
in Wisconsin, but don't feel too sorry for him. At least he gets to watch
prime time an hour or two before you. If you're feeling lonely, he would
love for you to e-mail him at: luke@smrt-tv.com. |
Richard Jeter is a nomadic novelist and stand-up
comedian who uses television to reassure himself that there are people
crazier than him in this world. Presently gearing up for both a national
comedy tour and a national book release, he has weaned himself completely
off of sleep, and is well under way to replacing his entire bloodstream
with a more efficient mixture of caffeine and sugar. If you'd like to
track the steady deterioration of his mental state, his personal writings
can be found at Tales From
an Irish Gypsy. He can be reached via richard@smrt-tv.com.
Because he's been on the stage since he was 5, D.
Roberts Keenan considers himself an expert on the art of the curtain
call. Mr. Keenan holds a B.A. in journalism from Washington State University
with a minor in film studies. He has appeared in a movie starring Shirley
MacLaine, written a TV pilot no one will ever read and won many karaoke
contests. Mr. Keenan is more popular than you, cooks a better cheesecake
and can complete a New York Times crossword puzzle "Thursday"
without peeking at the answers. He can be reached at roberts@smrt-tv.com.
Bronwyn Lewis moved to Hollywood in August
of 2004, and has since then mastered the art of the copier, read many
bad scripts, and makes a mean latte. She's spent most of her free time
in the last four months at The Jim Henson Company, or at a small management
agency in Santa Monica where she crushes aspiring screenwriters' hopes
and dreams. She used to read books, and even write, but that was a long
time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. Forward all press inquiries and job
offers to her at bronwyn@smrt-tv.com.
Adam Lipkin spends his days working as an instructional
technologist at a top 25 university and his nights fighting crime via
the subtle technique of writing reviews for such sites as Bookslut
and SMRT-TV.com. If he were king of the world, there would be deluxe DVD
sets of Freakazoid in every household. He has a wishlist full of box sets
and other things he "needs" here,
and you can send raves or rants to him at adam@smrt-tv.com. |
Erin O'Brien lives in New York City and only
wishes life resembled the Manhattan in the TV. She's an editorial type
for a major publisher by day, and a freelance writer and editor by...
uh, when there's time. She has a cat that plays fetch and she wonders
sometimes why she can't find Hostess Orange Cupcakes anywhere in the city.
She blogs personally at the fshk blog
and also in various other places, including The Advice Blender and Gothamist. You can reach her at erin@smrt-tv.com. |
Mike Olson only sleeps in the AM, and it shows.
He's a writer in the OC (or as he likes to call it, "Orange County"),
as well as a composer/arranger of music, but when he's not wasting time
with all of that, he can be found watching British
TV series on his region-free DVD player, playing with his Bob
and Doug McKenzie action figures, or reading the scripts to The
Newsroom. Mike's biggest claim to fame is that his girlfriend was
a semifinalist on The Apprentice 2.He can be reached at mikeolson@smrt-tv.com. |
When Jenni Powell isn't watching entirely too
much reality television, she's probably playing poker or producing poetry.
She also digs alliteration. And kittens. She's known to give some good
blog at Searching for a Succession
Of Unordinary Days. Send red chips, tasty rhymes, and lovable furballs
of joy to jenni@smrt-tv.com. |
C.J. Quinn is a high-school teacher by day,
Smart Young Urban Thing-in-training by night. She has watched T.V. on
several continents but now lives in London. She likes salt and vinegar
crisps, ridiculously big earrings and daiquiris. Send comments, piles
of money and marriage proposals to her at cj@smrt-tv.com.
Kenneth Requa and Doug Spice work in
television and new media, but no matter the subject, they sound like they
know what they're talking about. They can be reached at kenneth@smrt-tv.com
and doug@smrt-tv.com. |
Despite having recently acquired a master's in the
pompous part of film studies, Katherine Ross's real goal in life
is to be a Mighty Pirate when she grows up. Between pillaging runs through
the Caribbean, she watches a lot of movies and TV and rants about them
to anyone who will listen. She and her TiVo are both excited about their
impending move to New York City, though at heart she will always be a
Bostonian. All chocolate, rum, and comments will be happily accepted at
M. Brianna Stallings has never forgiven Jim
Henson for not seeing a doctor or David Duchovny for not marrying her.
She is currently a desert rat roaming through the post-industrial wasteland
that is Albuquerque, NM in search of the perfect carne adovada. Previous
writing credits include Ax Wound, Eye Candy, and Zine World. When she's not getting
educated or working, she's looking for a few good titles for Embryonic Publications. Email
her at brianna@smrt-tv.com. |
Jeff Stone can't keep a proper schedule, so
he doesn't actually watch a lot of TV. However, the technological wonder
of the DVD has allowed him to view many fine shows he couldn't be bothered
to follow when they actually aired. He has a square day job that's too
boring to talk about, but he does some writing and acting on the side.
His other interests include comics, drinking, and kissing beautiful women
right on the mouth. Those who can't get enough of Jeff's prattling are
encouraged to check out his blog, Listen,
Lady.... Send passive-aggressive diatribes to jeff@smrt-tv.com. |
Rachel Syme is a freelance writer living in
New York City. She miraculously manages to pay for cable every month despite
never really having enough cash on hand to pay for a taxi — in other
words, she has her priorities straight. She loves shows with yearning
doctors, teenagers in angst, competing fashion designers and gawky models,
quirky lesbians and poligamists, and a little part of her died the day
My So Called Life got cancelled. She has written for Time Out
New York, the Brooklyn Rail, Paste Magazine, and New
York Magazine, and hopes to actually be able to pay for her cable
any day now. |
Joelle Tjahjadi's biggest dream is to be a
writer, which is why she is currently in the midst of finishing a combined
degree in Mathematics and Economics. She is currently accepting any and
all offers for jobs, chocolate and money (winning lottery tickets included),
and can be reached at joelle@smrt-tv.com. |
Alison Veneto talks a lot, more about TV and
movies than other things. She blogs about movies at Electric
Shadow and writes a bi-weekly column on foreign films at Movie
Poop Shoot. She also enjoys dancing, long walks through the forest
and cupcakes. Email her at alison@smrt-tv.com. |
Jill Weinberger has dabbled in everything from
improv to biotechnology. While her ultimate goal is, naturally, world
domination, for the moment she's focusing on pursuing a screenwriting
career. Her TV and Film scripts can be found in the galleries of www.writesafe.com.
Those who prefer snarky reality TV commentary can find her episode summaries
at www.planetsocks.com, where
she contributes under the super-secret code name "jillybob." Email her
at jill@smrt-tv.com. |
Justin Winters is kind of important. When he's
not saving small kittens from trees, he blogs at dudemanphat
and produces life-changing television. Send food stamps or low-carb cookies
to justin@smrt-tv.com. |